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Python programming

New course from KIds&Robots on Szegedskaya - Programming in Python for children from 12 years old

Python is one of the simplest, most flexible and popular programming languages ​​that is used in almost all areas of modern development. With Python, you can create web applications, write games, do data analysis, automate system administration tasks, and more.

Who is this course for?

This programming language is suitable for children who are already familiar with the basics of programming. But if desired and systematically practiced, it is quite possible to master the programming skill on it in a short time, even for those who have no idea about coding.

The course of lessons includes an introduction to programming, working with graphics and games.

During the course, the child will master the basics of programming. Students develop algorithmic thinking, which will help them in the future to set goals in life and effectively achieve them, breaking down tasks into main and secondary ones.

In order to quickly and easily learn new material, teachers use the most accessible form of information presentation - a game. The guys quickly learn the concept of code and loop, as well as how the program works.
Introduce children to the basics of programming with KIds & Robots on Segedskaya

Segedskaya ¼

0 800 307 377
093 518 3869
099 180 4474
096 813 7819

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