en 0 800 307 377
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Timetable of classes

5-6 years Scratch Junior

The Scratch Junior course is designed for children from 5 to 6 years old.

The main advantages of the course:

- the beginning of computer literacy,
- work with the mouse and keyboard,
- conscious drawing up of algorithms,
- development of logical thinking,
- development of mathematical thinking.

Children of 5-6 years old perfectly cope with the set tasks in the lessons thanks to the interesting presentation of information by the teacher and fascinating games which the child himself will write.

Scratch Junior is an understandable programming environment for a child: bright, colorful and accessible to children's perception.

Skills that the child will develop during the year:

- mathematical abilities,
- algorithmic thinking,
- creative qualities,
- memory,
- logical thinking,
- independent work on the project,
- achieving goals and working on mistakes.

Scratch Junior is a colorful and entertaining introduction to the world of programming.

Book an appointment for a test lesson at the robotics club Kids&Robots at
Kosmonavtiv,32 by calling 0 096 801 51 98  in advance. 

The lessons are small groups, great environment, we know how to work with children and are professionals in their field.


096 801 51 98

Facebook: facebook.com/kidsandrobotscheremushki
Instagram: Kidsandrobots _cheremushki

See you soon at Kids&Robots Robotics Club 
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