en 0 800 307 377
free from any phones

Timetable of classes

7-9 years old. Scratch

Scratch programming for children in the Suvorovsky district

For a long time now, the new generation has been called “digital inhabitants”. This means that they are familiar with new technologies and use their knowledge and skills everywhere. But it is not enough to be able to use new technologies, it is important to understand how they were created and how it works. For programming teachers, the need to teach children to write their own programs or program. Over time, the guys will appreciate the benefits of knowing programming languages. Most of us believe that such an activity is only for a narrow circle of technically educated people. But this is not at all the case. The Scratch programming language was designed for children and adults (whoever so wish) to express and share their creative ideas and fantasies with others. This language is extremely simple, you do not need to know any codes, commands, you do not need a console. Just move the bricks-blocks and connect them. While coding, kids learn in many ways. Using this language, children have the opportunity to create interactive greeting cards, small films, anime, cartoons, school educational projects and many others. The creators of their own games present their work on the World Wide Web and this is the beginning of computer activity.

Being carried away by Scratch, the child acquires useful skills:

- since Scratch contains a large number of logically connected blocks, the child develops the ability to build logical chains
- develops mathematical skills
- develops memory and erudition
- the ability to plan and predict your actions
- apply graphic editors, create animations, drawings from your fantasies
- ability of critical analysis when analyzing other people's projects
- helps to think creatively and work creatively in a team, while remaining individual.

Odessa, Marselskaya, 33/3

0 800 307 377
098 791 0384
063 802 4643
050 077 6045

Club page: kidsandrobots.com/kotovskogo
Social media page: facebook.com/KidsandRobotsnaPoselkeKotovskogo
instagram: kidsandrobots_kotovskogo

We are waiting for everyone in the classroom. Best regards, Kids&Robots Robotics Club
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